Choosing Ethical projects focusing on our mission
Preparing Need assessment and planning phase in a participatory approach, where the local communities are at the center of the projects.
Coordinating In the project cycle management, locals themselves implement the project activities with the help of a network of local experts, who live in these communities.We commit ourselves to deliver excellence in project monitoring. Our monitoring team lives nearby sites.
Auditing Our audit handbook allows a systematic detailed finance and executive reporting, as well as a follow-up process on timely objectives and expected results.
Reporting For each project, highland initiatives provides a full project proposal with a budget and key steps, a progress report and a final report to sponsors with photos, video, etc.
Sustainability We focus on long lasting impact. Our work plan includes financial, managerial and political strategies for sustainability.

For each project, Highland Initiatives provides a full project proposal with a budget and key steps, a progress report and a final report to sponsors with photos, video, etc.